
Strepocarpus Saxorum, or Cape Primrose, is an easy-to-take-care-of (tub) plant. The plant can be kept both indoors and outside, however it will thrive best in a warm and light spot. A moist soil and regular fertiliser will ensure it flowers all summer. In autumn the plant likes a cooler spot (+/- 10 ºC) and requires less water. You can repot the Cape Primrose in spring. If you then move the pot to a warmer location and water it a little more, it will reward you with extraordinary flowers. Growers of this product: van den Berg De Lier, J&P Ten Have and Hillplant.

Care tips

Light, sunny spot.
Keep damp, compost must not dry out.
Immerse plant in water if it becomes dry.
Remove dead foliage.
Streptocarpus Berg, Ten Have en Hillplant Streptocarpus Berg, Ten Have en Hillplant Platycerium van de Heuvel