The Kalanchoë is a small and extremely strong succulent with brightly coloured small flowers. The flowers range widely in colour, from white, pink, red, yellow and orange to purple. Good to know: the Kalanchoë is not only a houseplant, it will also enjoy a spot on the balcony or the terrace during the summer months. So when the days are long and nights are short, move the plant outside, as it will bloom with even more enthusiasm than when kept inside. The Kalanchoë is a real ‘timeless classic’, known and liked by all. With their various colours the plants are wonderful to mix and match, grouped together on a tray or arranged in separate pots. Grower of this product: SlijkermanKalanchoë and Winco Holland.
Care tips
– | Requires little attention. |
– | Can be placed outside in summer. |
– | Light, sunny spot. |
– | Ideal temperature 20 ºC. |
– | Keep damp, compost must not dry out. |
– | Keep plant slightly dry in winter. |