
Dracaena is a tall, full houseplant or tree with one or more trunks from which fantastic leaves in green, yellow and gold emerge that can have touches of pink or red around the edges. There is a wide choice of leaves, ranging from small, narrow and pointy, to large and soft. What all the species have in common is that they’re amazing plants that suit any interior style, and they’re easy to look after.

The plant stores moisture in its trunk and can therefore cope with you forgetting to water it occasionally. The somewhat palm-like shape means that this houseplant adds a rugged, tropical feel and lends an exotic touch to any interior and it mixes well with other indoor trees with smaller leaves. The plant also helps to keep things clean in your home.

According to the NASA Clean Air Study, Dracaena is a powerful air purifier and is available as a smaller houseplant, but also as an indoor tree. Dracaena is also used as a garden plant in the tropics. Growers of this product: JoGrow and Duynplant.

Care tips

Dracaena prefers not to have full sun, but it does have a light position to keep the leaf markings beautiful.
Only water when the root ball dries, Dracaena cannot stand a foot bath. Spray occasionally.
Give houseplant food every six weeks in spring and summer, do not feed in autumn and winter.
Dracaena cannot withstand cold, do not let the temperature fall below 10-13 ° C.
Good to know: Dracaena is poisonous to small children and pets
Dracaena JoGrow en Duynplant