
De Aloë, wie kent hem niet? Razend populair door de genezende werking van zijn sap. De grijsgroene bladeren met getande bladrand zijn niet meer weg te denken uitThe Aloe, who doesn’t know it? It is extremely popular because of the healing effects of its juice. The grey-green leaves with their serrated edge are an integral part of any trendy interior. Did you know that there are about 320 different Aloe sisters! The healing substances of the Aloe are the result of its self-sufficient character as a desert plant. Cleopatra already used its juice and Columbus also treated his men with it. You can easily make your own Aloe vera gel from the cooling, gel-like liquid. Nice to know is that an Aloe only reaches its full healing power when it is 5(!) years old. In addition, the plant keeps the air in the house clean and has the convenience of any succulent. So, ideal for the forgetful caretaker. Growers of this product: Nederpel Succulenten & Winco Holland

Care tips

Position from direct sunlight to partial shade
If the plant has at least 12 leaves, you can cut off one of the lower leaves
In winter preferably without water
Let the potting soil dry out before watering
Repot every 2 years