Croton Codiaeum

This plant, with its beautiful veins, arresting leaves and distinguishing colours, is difficult to miss. The Codiaeum is a lot of things, but dull is not one of them. The plants natural habitat is in Indonesia, Polynesia, Malaysia, Pakistan and India, where it is often measured in meters as a shrub. The plant will thrive in your living room provided it has plenty of light; the Codiaeum will drain of its beautiful colours if left in the dark. Plant World JoGrow’s advice: “The plant is quite thirsty in spring and summer, so make sure you water it regularly.”

Care tips

Good light, but no bright sunlight.
Ideal temperature 18 – 25º C.
Keep damp, compost must not dry out.
Do not leave excess water in saucer/dish.
Apply fertiliser twice a month.
Keep out of draughts.
Croton Codiaeum JoGrow