
Look at the strange shaped foot of the Beaucarnea: just like a bottle! Appropriate really, as the plant uses the foot to store water. Due to its shape the Beaucarnea is also known as the ‘elephant’s foot’ and its wild plumes make it an attractive and highly decorative plant. The Beaucarnea was discovered in the tropical and subtropical regions in Asia and Africa. This stylish, easy to care for plant is approximately three and a half years old before the smallest variety is sold. Older plants can be up to fifteen years old before leaving the nursery. A tip from our growers Duijn-Hove and JoGrow: “Ensure the leaves hang freely, for if they make contact with for example the wall, a curtain or a cupboard they are liable to turn brown.”

Care tips

Good light, but no bright sunlight.
Ideal temperature 20 ºC.
Keep damp, compost must not dry out.
Apply fertiliser once a month.
Keep plant slightly dry in winter.
Long lasting.

Beaucarnea Duijn-Hove Beaucarnea Duijn-Hove