
The Amaryllis brings colour in your home! Have you ever closely inspected the flower’s petals? They appear to be made of the softest velvet in endless colours; white, red, yellow, pink, salmon, purple, orange and two-toned. The stem mostly presents between four to six impressive flowers. As the Amaryllis has no leaves, they refer to it as the ‘Naked Lady’ in the United States. The Amaryllis can also take pride of place in a bouquet or can introduce a focal point to any interior. Grower of this product: Boers Amaryllis.

Care tips

Make sure that the vase is nice and clean, fill it with water and use cut flower food.
Choose a firm glass vase.
Trim the stems diagonally.
Make sure that the vase is nice and clean, fill it with water and use cut flower food.
Amaryllis Vreugdemhil Amaryllis Vreugdenhil